Wednesday, July 11, 2012
New MorgansFor reasons I can't quite understand, my web site admin won't let me post new pictures to the geldings and mares pages...
grr. So, without further ado, pictures of two new Morgans who came to our farm: Chevy (Menomin Yankee Delite), a 15-year-old
Old Government Morgan we acquired recently, and Buck, her 9-year-old son. Buck (left) is unregistered but we're seeking his
documents so we can get him to Morgan shows. He's Chevy's (right) only offspring, by well-known Lippitt sire Randallane Genesis.
If you've ever seen Genesis, you'll recognize Buck's coloring and markings: while his body is Chevy's, the color and chrome
come from Genesis.
11:44 am edt