Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Well done, Bessie!Holy Moly Farm welcomed Holy Moly Poseidon (Bayside Rainman x SSM Bessie Nekomia) at 1 am or thereabouts on May 19th. "Pete"
is a big bay colt with a tiny white sock on the left hind foot. He's doing great and Mama is too. More pictures are posted
on our geldings/colts page.
7:01 pm edt
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Birth is imminent... we thinkBessie's due date is Friday, and boy does she look uncomfortable... but I'll let the pictures say it for me. No sign of
her waxing up but she's hostile toward all the other horses—we've got her in the corral now because she was giving Maggie
a hard time. Soon...!
12:16 pm edt